De UGent biedt een masteropleiding aan met twee grote specialisaties die elk een sleutelgebied in het ‘systeem Aarde’ aanspreken: de afstudeerrichtingen Bekkens en orogenen en Grondwater en minerale rijkdommen.
Het globale en duurzame beheer van water en bodem, van grondstoffen en energiebronnen staat wereldwijd hoog op de agenda. Die rijkdommen verstandig beheren vergt een fundamentele kennis van de werking van de Aarde. Voor de geoloog is Global Change een vertrouwd begrip, zij het met vele facetten. Onze Aarde is een ongelooflijk dynamisch systeem, waarvan de ontrafeling een van de grootste uitdagingen vormt van de 21ste eeuw.
De UGent biedt een masteropleiding aan met twee grote specialisaties die elk een sleutelgebied in het ‘systeem Aarde’ aanspreken: de major Bekkens en orogenen en de major Grondwater en minerale rijkdommen. De major Bekkens en orogenen omvat het ontstaan en de evolutie van grote oceanische en continentale sedimentbekkens en de rol hierin van bouw en samenstelling van de lithosfeer, van fluïda, klimaat en biosfeer. In de major Grondwater en minerale rijkdommen staat de karakterisatie en de bescherming van twee levensnoodzakelijke compartimenten van de Aarde (grondwater en minerale rijkdommen) centraal - een topprioriteit voor de mensheid. Een belangrijk facet in de studie is dan ook ontwikkelingssamenwerking.
Deze opleiding kan ook in een Engelstalig traject gevolgd worden.
Voor wie
De toelatingsvoorwaarden zijn divers. Afhankelijk van je vooropleiding kun je rechtstreeks instromen of zijn er bijkomende voorwaarden.
De ruggengraat van elke specialisatie is een major (60 sp), gespreid over de twee jaren, en de erbij aanleunende masterproef (30 sp). Het project dat leidt tot de masterproef kan reeds in het eerste jaar aangevat worden. De majorvakken worden telkens in het eerste semester aangeboden. In de major Bekkens en orogenen zijn vakken opgenomen met enerzijds de klemtoon op de sedimentaire processen, de dynamica van oceanen en klimaten en de evolutie van de biosfeer, met micropaleontologie in een sleutelrol. Anderzijds komen ook de petrologische en geofysische aspecten aan bod. Voor beide studiegebieden is een veldstage geprogrammeerd. In de major Grondwater en minerale rijkdommen ligt de focus op de fundamentele en toegepaste studie van natuurlijke rijkdommen en grondwater, en de finaliteit ligt in een duurzaam beheer en bescherming van deze vitale bronnen. In de minor (30 sp) helpen keuzevakken je om je voor te bereiden op de latere beroepscarrière. Je kan kiezen voor een stage, maar ook voor vakken met een directe link naar duurzaamheid, ondernemerschap en transversale skills.
Door een immersie in een professioneel midden of in een andere wetenschappelijke omgeving verruim je je horizon en kom je in contact met de noden van de professionele wereld of met nieuwe wetenschappelijke invalshoeken.
Naast de hier beschreven (domein)master, kun je ook kiezen voor de educatieve master.
De sterk multidisciplinair onderbouwde masteropleiding opent niet enkel de deuren naar speerpuntonderzoek, maar ook naar dynamische bedrijfssectoren: de milieusector, drinkwatermaatschappijen, overheid, ngo’s en besturen die zich toeleggen op ontwikkelingssamenwerking, exploratie naar koolwaterstoffen en naar geothermische energie, de geotechnische sector, de bouwsector en grote baggerbedrijven, de ondergrondse berging van broeikasgassen ...
Als student in de masteropleiding geologie verwerf je ook stapsgewijs en onder deskundige begeleiding een enorme troef: de vaardigheid om je professioneel vlot uit te drukken in het Engels. De wereld wordt je werkterrein.
Application procedure
Please apply via the website:
Learning outcomes
Competence field 1: Competence in one or more scientific disciplines
- Advanced knowledge of Earth, its structure, rocks and evolution, the evolution of Life, and an advanced insight into the way this knowledge was acquired and the correlation between the steering factors. Apply this insight creatively to analyse and solve new and complex theoretical or experimental problems.
- Apply innovatively the specialised knowledge of 'Basins and Orogens' or 'Groundwater and Mineral Resources'.
- Have the attitude to apply supporting disciplines during professional activities or research in an independent, critical and constructive manner.
- Understand and examine the connection with other relevant disciplines and integrate these in a more advanced research or applied context.
- Demonstrate a profound insight into the newest scientific developments of at least one geological sub-discipline.
- Apply the acquired geological knowledge, insights and methods in scientific, geology-supporting domains.
Competence field 2: Scientific competence
- Design and perform problem oriented research and assess the quality of both phases.
- Critically observe and reflect on existing and new theories, models or interpretations with the discipline.
- Show creativity to formulate hypotheses and new correlations, and formulate an opinion based on limited, incomplete or conflicting data and information.
- Design and carry out experiments or simulations, critically and objectively evaluate and interpret the collected data, and elaborate models.
- Observe methodological, collect and curate data, register and handle data, analyse and evaluate within a research context. Discriminate between major and minor elements and keep an overview of knowledge and applied methods.
- Assess, analyse and evaluate critically information from international scientific journals and databases, and synthesize the information in a structural way.
- Moderate and handle unforeseen changes in the research process.
Competence field 3: Intellectual competence
- Show systematic and critical independent reflection on own thinking and acting, and translate this into conclusions and more adequate solutions.
- Have a professional attitude towards new scientific developments and their applications in a broad scientific, economic or societal context.
- Adopt an active attitude towards permanent development of knowledge and lifelong learning.
- Formulate independently logical and analytical lines of thought within and outside its own discipline, and evaluate critically complex thinking.
- Thinking and acting proactively towards problem solving in a multitude of situations.
- Generalize problems and discuss these on an appropriate level of abstraction.
Competence field 4: Competence in collaboration and communication
- Present own research orally and written, ideas and opinions during professional activities.
- Communicate and argue on research results with specialists and non-specialists, and with a general public.
- Communicate on own research and results with specialists and non-specialists in a second language.
- Communicate, cooperate and act in a supportive and inspiring manner.
- Be able to work in a team, often on the field and during long periods, and develop leadership and responsibility.
Competence field 5: Competence in social responsibility
- Assess the social effects of scientific developments and contribute to the social debate and adopt an open attitude.
- Adopt an ethical and social responsible attitude.
- Integrate social responsibilities and engagements in a professional activity.
- Instruct government organisations about findings in our fields of expertise, and conduct policy-supporting research in the field of environment and natural resources.
Competence field 6: Professional competences
- Work independently in a multitude of professional situations and contribute to research, the implementation of new techniques and ideas or the development of problem-solving strategies.
- Adopt a professional attitude characterised by dynamism, trustworthiness, engagement, accuracy and self-reliance.
- Design, carry out and report on innovative research in a scientific way.
- Demonstrate knowledge about the latest new scientific developments in a geological sub-discipline, and relate the knowledge towards other aspects.
- Major Groundwater and Mineral Resources: Possess a fundamental understanding of the processes and conditions steering groundwater flows.
- Major Groundwater and Mineral Resources: Have the capacity to assess the possibilities of the exploitation of natural resources (including groundwater) and their sustainable management.
- Major Groundwater and Mineral Resources: Possess a deep knowledge of the factors and processes steering the quality of groundwater and be able to elucidate these through interpretation of analytical data.
- Major Groundwater and Mineral Resources: Insight into the changes that groundwater can undergo as a result of anthropogenic influence.
- Major Groundwater and Mineral Resources: A fundamental insight in the formation, the evolution, the physical, chemical and environmental properties of minerals in the context of environmental and technical applications.
- Major Groundwater and Mineral Resources: The capacity to interpret soils maps, and physical and chemical analyses for the evaluation of the quality of soils and other environmental and technical applications.
- Major Groundwater and Mineral Resources: Possess the basic techniques to formulate and present adequate scientific advice relating to the quality of groundwater.
- Major Basins and Orogens: Demonstrate a fundamental comprehension of the lithospheric processes determining the genesis (rifting) and evolution (subsidence, thermal evolution) of sedimentary basins and the contiguous lithospheric areas, and the expression of these processes in the sediments and crystalline rocks.
- Major Basins and Orogens: Demonstrate knowledge of sedimentary fluxes responsible for the infilling of sedimentary basins, of the processes steering the infilling and of the properties and spatial organisation of the resulting sedimentary sequences.
- Major Basins and Orogens: Testify of the capacity to discriminate between global (a.o. climate induced) and regional controls and effects of basin and orogen-related processes.
- Major Basins and Orogens: Possess the aptitude to disentangle the rock and geochemical logbook of the Earth and life as recorded in basins and to date the record.
- Major Basins and Orogens: Comprehension of microfossils and the processes that influence their diversity and areal distribution through time.
- Major Basins and Orogens: Insight into magmatic and metamorphic lithospheric processes and of the resulting products (minerals and rocks).
- Major Basins and Orogens: Comprehension of the structural analysis of basins and orogens in different stadia of evolution and the chronological reconstruction of this evolution.
- Major Basins and Orogens: The ability to design multidisciplinary exploration strategies on different scales for the visualisation of basins and orogens in general and the prospection of sites of exceptional economic importance.
- Major Basins and Orogens: Possess the basic skills to provide sound scientific advice relating to the sustainable managements of basins and orogens (exploitation of basins and energy sources, subsurface storage, protection) and the rational evaluation of natural hazards and the social, economic and geopolitical consequences.
- Minor Professionalisation: Demonstrate the skills of a starting employee in terms of project management, policy development, scientific and technological advise, and entrepreneurship.
- Minor Professionalisation: Assess the relevance and implications of scientific developments or applications in an economic context and in accordance with ongoing policy.
- Minor Education: Tutor of teach on different levels the information and experience in geology and other relevant scientific areas.
- Minor Education: Sensitize the general public for scientific information and its reliability.
Admission for students holding a Flemish degree
- Immediate Admission
- Bachelor in de geologie
- Admission Subject to Passing a Preparatory Course
- MIN 3 SP - MAX 100 SP
- Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen, afstudeerrichting: land- en bosbeheer
- Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen, afstudeerrichting: landbouwkunde
- Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen, afstudeerrichting: milieutechnologie
- Bachelor in de biologie
- Bachelor in de chemie
- Bachelor in de fysica
- Bachelor in de fysica en de sterrenkunde
- Bachelor in de geografie
- Bachelor in de geografie en de geomatica
- Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen, afstudeerrichting: geotechniek en mijnbouwkunde
- MIN 3 SP - MAX 100 SP
Admission for Students holding a Non-Flemish Degree
The course is open to students with at least a bachelor's degree in the field of geology with minimum 180 credits. Information on admission requirements and the administrative procedure for admission on the basis of a diploma obtained abroad, can be found via the following link.
ISCED Categories